
Welcome to Mountain Shadow Morning! I'm so excited you're here.

My name is Courtney and I'm the girl at the keyboard behind Mountain Shadow Morning (don't worry, that keyboard is usually outside in a hammock somewhere). Mountain Shadow Morning is a space for all my favorite things - yoga, puppy love, the great outdoors, travel, good food and all things DIY.

Getting to know me better:

I'm a dog mama, yogi and outdoors(wo)man. I live for fall days and Saturday mornings. I own a lot of flannel (repeat: a lot). I'm a nature lover, avid traveler and firm believer in being barefoot. My fortune is in my yoga pants, and I'm mostly OK with that. Happiness to me is the first cup of coffee in the morning, fresh flowers, a good hike, days with friends and family and any time spent on my mat.

Oh, and have I mentioned I'm happy you're here? 


  1. Hi Courtney! I love all of your recipe and outfit tips! Have fun in China :)


    1. You are too sweet! Thank you for the kind words. I love P.S. I'm from the Midwest too! I'm an avid reader, especially because you're a Minnesotan! I'm a big fan. :)

      - Courtney
