Thursday, July 20, 2017

Presently: July

July, you're almost gone already. I swear, this month is like this every year. It's the peak of summer, and our weekends are packed to the brim. Summer, you're moving wayyyyyy too fast. 

|| Photo is property of Mountain Shadow Morning. Must give credit. ||

Making: lunches and dinners with the goods from our CSA box. We're loving that we get a "surprise" box of produce each week. 
Watching: Shameless. It's addicting and a little bit stressful, but I can't stop watching. 
Doing: new homeowner everything. Ripping up old landscaping, organizing plants, shopping for additional pieces etc. I'm loving these new responsibilities, but am really looking forward to fall // winter when we're spending a lot of time in our home and doing projects inside.
Thinking: about fall (how bad is that?!) A few days ago it was in the low 50s and it made me excited  for sweaters, boots and colored leaves (but today it's 90 degrees...)
Visiting: new businesses, shops and restaurants in the North Loop (my new 'hood for my new job - more on that soon!)
Wearing: yoga pants (even though I have a new job, the fitness never ends). We've been doing a lot of practice teaching and training lately.
Spending: a little bit more money than I'd like on salads for lunch at Whole Foods and Crisp & Green. I now work in the North Loop, which is bursting with healthy food options, and sometimes I just can't say no.
Shopping: for picture frames. We have some new artwork and some cute cards I'm interested in framing and displaying around our home.
Eating: yogurt bowls for breakfast (the lazy girl's guide to a smoothie bowl). It's super easy - just top yogurt with some berries, jam, nut butter, nuts or seeds, fruit, honey etc. YUM. Follow me on Instagram to see these posts in my story!
Drinking: coffee. So much coffee. 
Missing: days when it wasn't 80 degrees at 6 am. We've had a string of really warm days lately.
Planning: weekends for my family to come visit. Now that we have so much space, we can host them anytime (it's the best). 
Working: on decorating the foyer of our house. We purchased a beautiful three-tiered tray and are working on some artwork. Slowly but surely it's moving along. 
Reading: The Magnolia Story. I finished it in 24 hours - such a quick and happy read. 
Wanting: Two more hours in each day for sleep - wait, I think I say this every month. 
Enjoying: the days I work from home and enjoy coffee on the couch while I answer emails (Camp usually snoozes with me as I do). 
Pinning: summer recipes nonstop. 
Pondering: buying another dress for a few more weddings this summer. Bad idea?
Listening: to all the bands I'm seeing later this month 
Liking: cooking breakfast on weekend mornings, nice and slow. 
Feeling: like a social media maven in my new job. I don't hate it. 
Noticing: how much calmer I feel with a to-do list and plan for my day. It changes everything.
Going: to coffee shops to work (glasses included). 
Debating: making another pot of coffee. That's a bad idea, right? 
Loving: going to sleep in our plushy down comforter. 
Marveling: at our snoozy neighborhood street, and how this place already feels like home. 

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