Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Beauty: Henna/Aloe/Mood Lipstick

One of the many learnings I picked up in Costa Rica was how to achieve my natural lip color. One of my fellow yogis, Clea, swears by henna lipstick. Clea is from Brazil, and said that henna lipstick is the only lipstick she remembers her mom wearing growing up.

So naturally, Clea had some henna lipstick on hand, and we all had to give it a go. The result? Woah.

I had never heard of henna lipstick until Costa Rica, and now that I'm back stateside, I'm obsessed with it (it's also called aloe and/or mood lipstick). This trend has been covered pretty extensively over the past few years (Manrepeller, The Frisky, Beauty Bets), but I somehow missed the memo on it. How I've been living for 25 years without knowing about this little wonder is a mystery to me.

So naturally, I had to buy some (and what a steal this product is on Amazon). 

Yes, it's green. I promise your lips won't be that color.

Apply it lightly; you don't need a lot!

Bottom lip - much pinker than my top lip.

Loving it so far.

Time for the top lip.


Three hours later; still pink and natural.

|| Photos are property of Twentyapolis. Must give credit. || 

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