Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Life: Presently

February has been a good, good month. While I'm turning out to be busier than I expected, I'm completely enjoying my self-proclaimed month of "nesting." We're getting more and more settled into our apartment each day, and Camp is loving every second of it.

Making: to-do lists before I head to Costa Rica this Saturday. It's coming so soon!
Watching: Parks and Rec. I can't stop.
Doing: my taxes! Check that off the to-do list.
Thinking: about warm weather, tank tops and wavy hair.
Visiting: lots of local breweries lately (especially any/all breweries that allow dogs).
Rocking: a very messy (and not so chic) top knot a la my nasty cold.
Spending: money on last-minute vacation must-haves (travel sized liquids galore).
Shopping: for Camp at local pet stores. I think I'm obsessed.
Eating: zucchini noodles! I bought a "zoodler" earlier this month and am loving it.
Drinking: lots of orange juice this week to kick my winter cold before I go on vacation.
Missing: my family! They just came to visit over Valentine's Day weekend and already I want them back here.
Planning: our trip to Costa Rica. We leave Saturday!
Working: on getting our new apartment in order.
Reading: "Serena" by Ron Rash for our March book club read. So far so good!
Wanting: a tan.
Enjoying: blogging in bed with Camp snoozing beside me.
Writing: last-minute to do lists and packing lists.
Pinning: the last bit of winter things before spring comes.
Cooking: not a damn thing this week. This cold has me like woah. But I did bake these bad boys for Chinese New Year on Saturday.
Pondering: signing up for power yoga teacher training this fall. This might be the year!
Listening: to Camp snoring, plus lots of Edward Sharpe and Old Crow Medicine Show for Hinterland this summer.
Liking: the 30 degree temperature and sunshine we experienced today. Compared to the frigid temperatures we've had, 30 degrees felt so nice, I almost took off my jacket.
Feeling: snug as a bug at night wrapped in the down comforters and wool blankets on our bed.
Noticing: that Camp is getting settled in and is comfortable around us.
Going: to work early and to bed early.
Debating: a nice glass of red wine before bed to help me sleep (that's a thing, right?)
Loving: snuggle sessions with Camp and Jack.

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