Thursday, November 27, 2014

Style: Sister Sister

Happy Thanksgiving, loves! Our family started out the day with cooking, coffee and our first annual "Boonie-Boy 5K" (inspired by our lovable pooch!) Now it's time for family time and lots of yummy food.

Remember my post the other day about Thanksgiving style? I couldn't be more comfortable and I'm loving every second of it. It makes me wonder why I tried wearing structured sweaters and dresses all these years! While everyone's style is different, I've finally found my go-to Thanksgiving style, perfect for lots of eating and relaxing.

One of my favorite parts of Thanksgiving is that my sister's home! While our style is rather different, we can agree on one thing; comfort is key when it comes to our Thanksgiving wardrobe. Before we headed out to celebrate Thanksgiving with our extended family, we had to snap a few photos. Mom and Boone joined too!

Have a happy day with you and yours.

|| Photos are property of Twentyapolis. Must give credit. ||

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