Monday, July 21, 2014

DIY: Room Spray

There is nothing that makes me feel more at peace than walking into my apartment when it smells amazing.

I've been looking for a natural room spray for a while now. In the past, the room sprays I've found have always smelled a little too chemical-y for my taste. We've been using incense as a room freshener (which smells great), but I wanted something that could help freshen up the smell of our couch/rugs/curtains/throw pillows etc. Not that they're dirty and smell bad; I just wanted a nice little summer scent to brighten up our apartment.

A few weeks ago, I stumbled across a DIY natural room spray from Free People (if you don't read their blog, it's an absolute must). Not only was I excited that the product was all-natural, but it's took only three ingredients to make! All-natural and easy? That's my kind of DIY. Oh, and I should also mention, it costs less than $10 total (and you'll have leftover ingredients for the future!)


Spray bottle (any size)
Witch hazel
Essential oil (I used lavender)


Gather your goods.

Fill spray bottle 3/4 full with water.

Add witch hazel until the spray bottle is nearly full.

Add essential oil (20-50 drops depending on pungency).

Shake it up!

Use around your home (and label with pretty lettering).

 || Photos are property of Twentyapolis. Must give credit. || 


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