Saturday, April 19, 2014

Love: Three

And just like that, it's been three years. I'm one lucky girl (and he's one lucky guy too, of course!)

For our three year anniversary, we kept things casual and simple. We headed to our favorite restaurant, 112 Eatery, for dinner and drinks. We went there on our first date and have been back for every milestone event (their mussels and gnocchi are seriously to die for). After dinner, we exchanged gifts and watched the final two episodes of Sherlock (we are so, so obsessed). After that, we cuddled and went to sleep (all before midnight).

That's how we celebrated us, by doing our favorite things together. And on this Saturday morning, I couldn't imagine it any other way. 

Hey Jack, let's do 3+ more years, yes?

|| Photo is property of Jackson Faith Photography. Do not use or distribute. ||


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