Friday, April 18, 2014

Style: Spring Things

I didn't pick the best day to wear some of my favorite spring things, I can tell you that.

On Wednesday, it snowed. And overnight, it snowed. On Thursday morning, I (and the rest of us poor Minnesotans) woke up to about 4-5 inches of that powdery white stuff that we have been trying so desperately to get rid of. And just like that, we were back to winter.

But that didn't stop me from wearing some of my favorite spring things. While I'm not big on pastels (or warm colors in general), spring is the perfect time for me to break out my creams, lighter shades of gray and bright(er) jewelry. Paired with natural hair + makeup, and that says spring to me.

And with that, Happy Friday, lovelies.

|| Photos are property of Twentyapolis. Must give credit. ||

pants: Mossimo for Target (similar) || shoes: Gap (similar) || sweater: Gap (similar) || necklace: boutique


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