Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Life: Happy Days

A few weeks ago, I let you guys in on a personal little project I've been doing, 100 Happy Days. I swear there are some days (and sometimes weeks) that go by in the blink of an eye, and I swear to you, I feel like I'm missing it. One of my favorite mantras is to "Be Present," but I sometimes need a reminder to actually be present every now and again.

While I never set the intention for this to be a daily challenge, the 100 Happy Days challenge has helped me share some of the things that make me most happy on a daily basis. Even when I'm busy, I'm a true believer of happiness, balance and simple pleasures, so being happy at least once each day has never been a problem for me. But what this challenge has helped me with (as scattered as my posts have been) is to help me acknowledge all of the little things that do make me happy, and share them with you with the hope that they will spur you to take note of whatever it is that makes you happy.

So with that, a few of my little happinesses over the past few weeks...

Strongbow and Sherlock. McDonalds french fries...followed by a healthy new read. Baking desserts and trying new recipes in my kitchen with my favorite foods. Shopping for spring clothes. Eyebrow waxes and pedicures. Date night with that handsome guy at our new favorite restaurant, the Rusty Taco. Wine in bed. Blogging in bed. Girls in bed. Traveling, DIY-ing and accessorizing. Learning new social media things and being tech-y. And all things spring.
|| Photos are property of Twentyapolis. Must give credit. ||


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