Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Life: 100 Happy Days

I've been hearing about the 100 Happy Days challenge for a while now, and thought it was about time I gave it a try. Thank goodness my partner in crime/fellow challenge lover Sarah at Run Shop Eat Repeat was interested in taking on the challenge with me! After the Blog Every Day in May and Blogtember challenges we tackled together, it just wouldn't feel right kicking off another new challenge without her! 

So what is the 100 Happy Days challenge? It's simple - post one thing each day that makes you happy. The goal of the challenge is to slow down, relax and appreciate the everyday happinesses in life. With how crazy and hectic things have been for me lately, this is just what I need.

Each day (or nearly each day) for the next 100 days, I'll be posting a picture of something that makes me happy with the hashtag #100happydays. Since I don't want to completely overwhelm you with a photo each day, I'll give an update on what makes me happy every week or so. If you're feeling like you need a happiness pick-me-up, feel free to join in this challenge with us!

What a difference a day makes. From moody to happy just like that.


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