Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Style: Snowfall

Well, it's safe to say it's not fall anymore.

This morning, Minneapolis woke up to SNOW. And not just a little coating of it either. We've got a few legitimate inches of snow on the ground. While it is beautiful, I hope this isn't a sign of a long winter to come!

While many of the accessories I buy aren't necessities, any Minnesotan knows that having good cold weather gear is they key to surviving the winter months. I thought I had a few more weeks, but winter snuck up on me. While I'm in the market for a few new winter accessories, I've got the perfect hat, mittens and scarf to help me get by (for now).

And if you were wondering, YES, I'm wearing my winter jacket today (that exact same jacket below) because it is cold and wet outside, ladies and gents. And this girl's all about warmth (and dryness) today.

Oh winter, you came too soon.

xo (but not really xo because I'm mad at you, winter),

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