The phrase "in a New York Minute" has honestly never felt more true to me. My girls' weekend in New York City went far too fast for my liking. Somehow, it's already Wednesday, and I've been back in Minneapolis for nearly four days! You guys, my mini-vacation was beyond fabulous, and I'm getting nostalgic just thinking about it.
This past weekend, I flew to NYC with the girls to celebrate my friend Steph's 23rd birthday. For four glorious days, we ate (too much), drank, shopped till we dropped, laughed like crazy, shared secrets, danced and toasted to a perfect weekend together in the city. Even though we've graduated, gotten jobs, work like crazy, live in different cities and see each-other only a few times a year, these girls are my rocks, and I'm so blessed to have them!
Until next time, loves! (Pssst...Jack and I are heading to NYC for a weekend in September!)
- C
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AHH! This post makes me super happy. My best friend and I recently took our first trip to New York City. I completely agree with the New York minute phrase. That city is something else, isn't it?
Oh my goodness, didn't you love it! The city is beyond amazing - so much to do and see, and so much life. I can't wait to go back! Your photos from your trip are gorge, btw!