Friday, May 10, 2013

Style: Day 10: Crazy For Cargo

OH MY GOODNESS IT'S FINALLY FRIDAY. Do you have plans for Mother's Day weekend? I do, and can't wait to share them with you next week!

OK, time for the real blog post. While Blog Every Day in May technically calls for an embarrassing moment today, I can't stop thinking that I am letting you guys down when it comes to fashion. Seriously, I've let fashion posts (some of my favorite to write) fall to the wayside over the past few months. Well not today, gems, not today. Today, it's Fashion Friday (hmmm...maybe this will catch on for all future Friday posts?)

This week, I'm seriously craving cargo + olive green. I think it has something to do with the fact that Minneapolis is finally snow free and somehow, BRIGHT GREEN grass has been hiding underneath it. Who knew? I'm feeling very earthy as the temperatures are warming up and the spring rain is tapping on my window. Cargo green, you have my heart and soul.

 - C

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